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kingkeld的日记, 2013年05月4日


Phew, it was a wild day yesterday, and it's carrying over to today too!

Yesterday, I had so many thing going on, but it was an awesome day.

I left work early to go get contact lenses. It's a whole new thing for me, as I have had glasses the last few years.

My glasses are about to give in from wear and tear, and since we are starting to play more music live, I decided that it would be nice and about time to ditch the glasses and get contact.

They're much easier to deal with, and it looks better in pictures. :)

After that, we bought sandwiches and got on the train to Copenhagen. Many fun missions to be going for...

First of all, we just went shopping. We bought some new chili stuff, new sauces and bbq stuff, and we went to enjoy Copenhagen.

The weather was AMAZING, and we ended up getting ice creams. They were great, and easy to calculate. We found a little place that actually shared their nutritional info on everything. I like!

After that, we met with my nephew, who was gonna hang with us through the evening.

He went with us as I went to buy a used bass guitar - a really fun, awesome and very cheap bass. It's very very playable and seems like it has good sound. I don't know yet, as I haven't had it set up with my gear just yet.

It's a fun story there is behind the bass. It's made in Chezckslovakia (I am SURE I misspelled that!), back in 1981. Most of these basses were destroyed, as they were copies of a famous bass by Gibson.

Obviously, there are come rights infringements going on, and they lost the battle and most of these basses were destroyed.

Still, a few remains, and they sound very gritty and dirty, and it's just the sound that I need for my playing. So I am more than happy that I got my hands on one.

Many of them are really poor quality and horrible to play on, but this one seems to be pretty good. I am happy all the way.


After picking it up, we went to put it in storage before going to a concert with a Danish legendary band called Sort Sol (Black Sun). Kinda post-punk music, though that doesn't even begin to describe them.

Wife loves them, and I am definitely a fan too - even more after seeing them live! They rock!

After the show, it was a two hour train ride home and in bed by 2:30 am.


This morning, I am at work at the gym. It's TONS of fun. I get to talk to clients, new and old, and I have signed several new customers up after introducing them to the system. What a blast!

Later, I will go home and edit the Burnin' Live! concert video, for you all to see. And OF COURSE, I'll be playing my awesome bass!


Yesterday, I most likely went over my calories, even for an Indulgence Day. I have no real idea of how much, but I am thinking maybe 1000 too many. That's okay. I am low with that amount on most days, so I am in no way concerned. If anything, it's a good thing.

I feel less than optimal today though. The Indian food we had for dinner didn't settle TOO well, so today I really don't feel like eating.

I had a smoothie for breakfast, lunch will probably end up being a protein bar, if anything, and Wife is making soup for dinner. Hell, it might end up being a Low Cal Day without even trying.


Anyways, it's taken me three hours to write this. I am BUSY at work and I better go do stuff. Just wanted to share the excitement.

Today, I'm thankful for:
- Such a fun day yesterday!
- A superb work day at the gym!
- Summer(!) outside!
- Promoting my weight loss class to MANY already today! I hope some will sign up. I seriously might have to open another class!

Happy weekend! Life is good!
84.2 公斤 最近减少: 70.8 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.
一星期增加23.1 公斤

Contact lenses? Sounds like someone is becoming a fancy pants :) 
2013年05月4日 会员:: Cthulhu
Fun contacts, i prefer them so much on stage, the lights don't glare in my eyes with them. I ended up trying the mono vision prescription so I could read. It took a little while to get use to, but it worked for me. Hate to have to whip out the reading glasses LOL! 
2013年05月4日 会员:: Lizzygracemusic
Woop woop!! Hottie body Keld is getting contacts!! :) I wore glasses from 1st grade to 6th grade and then switched to contacts and have been wearing them for the past 15 years!! I really want Lasik eye surgery...... Sounds like you are having a great time playing in your band and working at the gym! Life is good! 
2013年05月4日 会员:: erika2633





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