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kingkeld的日记, 2013年05月3日

Good morning, my friends!

It's a GORGEOUS day in Denmark. The sun is shining, and spring is attacking us from every side! I like it!

It's been a couple of BUSY days for me, and today is no exception. Just to recap:

Monday: Up at 4AM, Walk, Workout, Work, Teaching, Work, Bed around 9PM
Tuesday: Up at 4AM, Walk, Work, Bed around 9PM
Wednesday: Up at 4AM, Walk, Workout, Work, Pack music gear, Jam Session, Pack music gear, travel home, bed around midnight.
Thursday: Up at 4AM, Walk, extra long workday, 2nd job at gym, bed around 11PM
Today: Up at 4AM, Walk, Work a few hours, Go to Copenhagen, buy Bass guitar, concert. Estimated arrival home: 2.30AM
Tomorrow: Up at 6 or 7. Maybe a workout. Work at the gym until 3PM. Then crash. :)

It's been a hell of a week, but I have had SO much fun, and it's all worth it.

I did have to skip gym today. I tried. I was there for my monthly weigh-in with the SUPER smart scale, but attempting the circuit training, I could tell that my body kindly asked me to skip.

I will be back tomorrow or Sunday. No biggie. I just need a little rest.

"So, how were the numbers from the gym, Keld?".
The numbers were great, actually!
I still have an impressive metabolic age of 28.
I have gained a kilo of muscle the last month.
I have lost 2½ kilos the last month.
All in all a good weigh-in.

What is interesting is that even if I have been low in my calories consistently the last month, I still gained muscle mass. I like that.
It's worth noticing that going TOO low doesn't give the same benefit. I worked out even harder when I did my three weeks of 600 calories, and I lost a lot of fat, but also two kilos of muslce at that time. I don't recommend it.

It does tell me that maybe it's not that bad a thing I am doing right now. I love being at and around the weight I am, just about 80, and I see muscles growing. At the same time I have "eating consciously" down to a science that I don't even think about, and it's all good. I can't think of anything to complain about, really.

Then again, why would I? The sun is shining, and it's gonna be a fun day.


Work today is easy. A walk in the park.

Schedule for the day is pretty much like this:

At work:
- writing my journal(!) Obviously, I am doing this now at 8:30AM.
- Breakfast with my group at 9:30
- Leave at 10:30.
- Meet with my eye-guy at 10:45 to try out contacts. My glasses are slowly breaking after 5 years of daily use. I figured I'd try something else.
- Off to Copenhagen.
- Shoppoing.
- Meet with Nephew.
- Go meet a guy and buy his used bass guitar(!)
- Off to store said bass in a locker for the rest of the day.
- Dinner. Indian buffet!
- Hopefully AWESOME concert.
- Home.
- Sleep.

I have quite som things to do. :)

It's gonna be a fun day though, I am really looking forward to it.

Since we're gonna be out, dining, with my nephew, and going to the concert, Wife and I have decided that today is Indulgence Day instead of tomorrow. It's gonna be easier to tackle a day like today if there is no real limitations to the food. I doubt that I will go very high, though, as my breakfast is only 300 calories, and I don't have much planned for lunch either. Maybe just a pita or something. It all depends what I feel like.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- All the things I gotta do. I'm having FUN!
- Morning coffee and late breakfast. I couldn't eat, drink or workout three hours prior to my weigh-in, so I was happy to have my smoothie at work. :)
- Wife!
- Spring time!

Happy Friday and have a great weekend! Life is good!
80.9 公斤 最近减少: 74.1 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少4.9 公斤

Just read today's and yesterday's journals, Kingkeld, what a roll you are on. Yesterday's photo is great. When I first joined fs about 18 months ago you had almost done losing weight and in your photos then you looked like a guy who had lost a lot of weight. Now, you look like a guy who's never been fat - you are so growing into your slim, fit self. That's a huge achievement, way to go!  
2013年05月3日 会员:: Earthlady
Wow. I never thought of that. Thank you so much, Karen. That! means a lot to hear that.  
2013年05月3日 会员:: kingkeld
You are having the kind of day I wish I was having! So much fun. Enjoy! 
2013年05月3日 会员:: Neptunebch
I love what Earthlady wrote - LOL, I loved your journal too but I seem to be processing on a LIFO mode today, sorry. I remember when I lost 120lbs in 2006 a complete stranger came up to me and said 'you've lost a lot of weight, haven't you?' and I asked 'how could you tell' and she said 'the way your body looks'. Now - it wasn't that I was wearing a sleeveless anything - no one could see the batwings or sag in the thighs... just something about my 'shape' gave it away. Earthlady is right - your appearance has changed. Maybe it's attitude, maybe it's nutrition, maybe it's result of exercise or a combination of all three. Maybe it's confidence? Regardless, it is a different look, even from a few months ago. Good for you. You're finding your center, balance and core in life; one at which I believe you'll stay.  
2013年05月3日 会员:: FullaBella
After reading what everyone said I had to go check you out. When I "left" here you were about to get your surgery I think. I agree you look fantastic! 
2013年05月3日 会员:: petuniak
Agree with FullaBella - centre, balance and core - maybe that's what maintenance is really all about, not the number on the scales. You, KK and I have both said there's a weight at which we feel slim, energized and somehow more fully functional. This whole journey is about so much more than just weight loss, isn't it? 
2013年05月4日 会员:: Earthlady





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