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Djburney的日记, 2013年02月27日

I'm struggling. There is something wrong, and I don't know what it is, so I'm going to my gyno tomorrow to have my hormones tested. I'm 54, so I should be in menopause (pretty sure I am), but I'm feeling awful. On Saturday, I reached into my clothes hamper, and then I woke up on the floor. I have no idea what happened, but I was out. I wake up tired, I eat bad stuff at night (binge), I feel like crying all the time, and my senses are hyper-aware. I notice the way the light is changing to spring, the smells in my house, the temperatures.

My experiences with men lately have been disastrous, no good coming from them at all. My job is not going well, school districts are backing out because of funding rules in AZ. So....if you normally find me to be very positive, and see a big change here, I'm seeing it too and it is scary. I'm not one to sit around and suffer, though, so I will get to the bottom of it.

I'll keep you posted on my progress...

That is scary to not know how you landed on the floor!!!! Sux you are haveing such side effects of menapause! Ug, what we all have to look forward to! I know lots of peeps on bioidentical hormones and sware by them. i hope your gyno knows about them! So many don't which is ashame. I started them last year and when I was on them, they helped a ton! Hange in there, you don't have to be positive! Sometimes things just stink! Hug... 
2013年02月27日 会员:: Lizzygracemusic
Oh sweetie. Can I offer you a cyber hug. It sounds as though something really has gone wrong. Hopefully it will be remedied very quickly. Good luck, keep us posted but in the meantime know that we are here for you if you need it. 
2013年02月27日 会员:: Mamachickpea
DB - my heart goes out to you - I'm so sorry. I have no answers, just know that I care and you do not have to be positive when you don't feel like it ~ we're here to listen and support you as much as you need. I hope all is well at the gyno and you get the resolve you need to climb back on top of the emotions (( and the laundry hamper without passing out!)) You're in my prayers, kiddo. 
2013年02月27日 会员:: FullaBella
As with the others, my heart goes out to you. And if anyone deserves a few laps in her own little pity pool, you do today...and please know that the rest of us do that on occasion as well. Staying positive is difficult when life just keeps throwing challenges our way. Going to the doctor is a good first step. As someone who has gone through menopause a lot of your symptoms sound all too familiar. I never took hormone therapy but had and still do at time wild emotions and hormones that go wild. When this happens, I find myself doing a bit of added prayers and it does help. As a former educator, I know that school districts suffer through lots of changes each year and this can be very stressful. If the opportunities aren't there in the school, try thinking of how you might be able to parlay your skills into the private sector. Educators have wonderful skills that we never even think about and by nature we are dependable, responsible, and intelligent. I will be thinking of you in my quiet time. Hoping that we read soon that like is handing you roses instead of thorns! 
2013年02月27日 会员:: 2227Gwen
I am sending you long distance hugs. I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now and that is not a good place to be. Very scary to wake up on the floor like that and I am very happy that you are going to your doctor. That could happen anywhere and you could definitely be seriously injured. We are here for you through thick and thin and good and bad. We all have our negative days and no one expects you to be positive everyday. Hell, I don't think any of us can be positive everyday. If I were there I would come over with a bottle of wine and we would just have some unwinding time! Very frustrating with the funding and I hope that it takes a positive turn again. I will keep you in my prayers. Take care of yourself. 
2013年02月27日 会员:: jaime30024
Thinking of you Debbie. Hope this turns around fast. The only time I passed out was when I took a dose of Ambien and wasn't in bed yet and DH found me on the floor face down with glasses still on. We will be with you on this journey to figure it out. xoxox 
2013年02月27日 会员:: Neptunebch
Sure hope the doctor can give some info on what is going on...with the emotional part of menopause...its not fun..I couldn't stand my self at times..my poor DH just let me rant or cry or what the heck ever was happening that day..I would say hormones is a bigh part of your troubles too..Take care of you...:O) 
2013年02月27日 会员:: BHA
Hormones are so freaking hard to manage. I just started bio identicals to help with a laundry list of symptoms. Its great you aren t one to just sit and hope it goes away. We have to advocate for our own best healthcare. You will get this managed. Sending good thoughts your way. 
2013年02月27日 会员:: sharonfriz
I hope you get some answers and find a way to feel back to normal (or better than normal)! men suck, work frustrations suck, hormones suck.  
2013年02月27日 会员:: JessWhatINeeded
So eloquently put, my dear Jess! Thanks, my friends. The day got even worse, to the point that I am laughing about it tonight. I'll fill you in tomorrow. 
2013年02月27日 会员:: Djburney
Aw bummer... and sorry to hear it got even worse :( Thinking of you! 
2013年02月28日 会员:: Bkeller1023
Wow, that must have been so scary to wake up on the floor! I've never lost consciousness like that so I can't imagine what it feels like - don't want to find out, either! I hope your doctor can get to the bottom of it and that it turns out to be nothing serious. With all the craziness our bodies put us through, there has to be some reward down the road when it all finally settles down - but if there isn't, don't tell me! I much prefer my version, an alternate reality is not what I want to hear! Since moving to Montreal, I've met so many women my age who are back on the dating scene after going through messy divorces or more tragic losses and I certainly don't envy any part of their situation. God bless you all for having the strength to go through it all again.  
2013年02月28日 会员:: evelyn64





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