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worm2butterfly2012的日记, 2012年08月29日

I went to my weight loss surgery support meeting Monday evening. I go to them monthly in order to learn more about the bypass surgery from people who have had it--pros and cons. I learned a few things Monday. I asked a few questions and the answers surprised me. Many of the people that had the gastric bypass surgery lost quite a bit of weight prior to having the surgery done. One guy lost 70 pounds. I asked the question concerning their decision to have the surgery versus staying on their diet since they were being successful. I got a few answers. All of them had seriously thought about not having the surgery, but they decided to have the surgery for one big reason. All of them had been on diets in the past and had been successful only to fall off the wagon and regain all the weight plus more back. The surgery did two things for them. 1) enabled them to maintain success on their diet change due to feeling full sooner and getting sick if they eat the wrong things (IE: dumping syndrome).

A couple of the people talked about family members who had the surgery who had the surgery and were unsuccessful. The reason their family members had not been successful was finding ways to "cheat" the surgery by eating things that stretched their stomach out again among other things. I know I absolutely do not want to go through a painful surgery only to fail. It gives a person a lot to think about. Most of the people that had surgery had lost 150-350 pounds and unanimously said that it's a mind-set you need to get into--It's a lifestyle change that can never be wavered from if you want to succeed. They said look at the emotional things now before surgery and do your homework in order to be successful. They said the surgery was a tool in order to help you to succeed, but will not do the work for you. They gave very good advice and I plan to continue going every month.

I did a little better with water today, but still not doing as well as I should. I'm doing better with walking more, but not to where I'd like to be yet. I keep telling myself---baby steps, Julie. Be patient. I want it all now, but I guess that has always been a problem of mine and need to chill out and take my time. Makes me wonder sometimes if deep in my head I feel that I can come off a diet once I lose weight???? Crazy, isn't it? I know in the past, I tended toward falling off the wagon when I lost weight. It almost was like in my crazy mind I was thinking--"I lost X amount of pounds so that means I can eat more". It was almost as if I was sabotaging myself. I often wondered why I responded things this way--was I afraid to lose weight?? And why? I've always preached that I wanted attention for who I was and not for what I looked like, but I've discovered that isn't how the world is. Fat people are definitely discriminated against more than thinner people are. It's just a fact, so I guess I need to deal with the way the world is and make some changes in my life. Boy, am I rambling, or what? LOL

查看饮食日历, 2012年08月29日:
1503 千卡 脂肪: 64.14克 | 蛋白质: 87.23克 | 碳水物: 156.87克.   早餐: thinkGreen Nutrition Bars - Peanut Butter Chocolate, Lean Muscle Meal - Chocolate Milkshake (Bottle), Organic Light Whipped Cream Cheese, Whole Wheat English Muffin. 午餐: Diet Mountain Dew (20 oz Bottle). 晚餐: Baby Carrots, Cottage Cheese, Water, Nectarines, Seafood Salad. 小食/其他: Natural Apple Sauce, Fuji Apples. 更多的......
4533 千卡 运动: 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 8 小时, 步行(慢步的) - 3公里/小时 - 30 分钟, 休息 - 9 小时 和 30 分钟, 睡眠 - 6 小时. 更多的......

hey julie, the meetings sound interesting and i'm sure, you will make the right decision. no matter if you decide to get the bypass or not. it must be right for you. of course views from other people doing this surgery is helpful for your decision. you do good, have trust in yourself and always have in mind what a bit less weight does to your health... 
2012年08月30日 会员:: joelae
I'm glad you are doing your research on this, it is a big decision. I know what you mean about self sabatoge, I've already hit that a few times. When people started commenting on my weight loss and how good I was doing I found myself slipping and reverting to old bad habits. I manged to shake if off and get back on track but I think I use this fat a some sort of protective barrier, not sure what I'm protecting myself from. 
2012年08月30日 会员:: fatoldlady





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