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kingkeld的日记, 2012年08月25日

Just a short note to confirm that I'm still alive! :)

Really a busy day today - been out shopping, hanging with Wife for lunch on the town, went to set up gear for tonight's birthday party concert, and now I am home for dinner. Then a movie, then back with the band and play. Phew.

Tomorrow is equally busy, so I probably won't be here much.

I'll see you guys Monday.

Life is good!

Have a great time tonight :-) 
2012年08月25日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Just popped in to see how ya were doing. Sounds like you are going full steam ahead! Have a great weekend! Hugs!!!! 
2012年08月25日 会员:: Mom2Boxers
I think of you often because of your commitment to FS and how you don't let your ups and downs still keep you going! I have been a member for a year now and have lost a total of four pounds, with lots of ups and down in between. It was rough there since I lost Mom but I remember you telling me that the fact that I didn't gain weight was a victory. You are so right. A year has gone by and I am relatively in the same place. My head is just not getting it. It helps that I am writing this to you because I know you don't let your ups and downs get to you. I need to journal more and make a healthy way of life get into my head. It has felt good writing this to you. You cheer everyone on and that is so wonderful. Keep it up! 
2012年08月25日 会员:: vrbh0882
vrbh0882 - I truly apprecite your comment. You just made my day - and I want to thank you for that. Knowing that my efforts - also when I'm not doing as well as I'd like to - still matter and affect people, really helps ME to push forward. I definitely have ups and downs, I am no different from anyone else here. Right now I don't feel that I am succeeding, but I gotta keep my chin up and maintain positive about this journey - or I will fail alltogether. I will not fail. People and comments like you drive me to do better to - we're all feeding off each other, so to speak. Today I have no chance of bettering myself - it's already late night and I need energy drinks to keep going tonight so I don't really have the option of anything else, but there is no other intake that I need or want. Tomorrow I will do a proper reboot, and you're gonna be my inspiration to do so. Thank you. Sincerely thank you. :) 
2012年08月25日 会员:: kingkeld





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