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kingkeld的日记, 2012年07月12日

I wish I could just blame FatSecret, but I can't. :/

Yesterday's journal died on me, not because the site doesn't take (I always hit CTRL+C before submitting to avoid this), but my laptop crashed and it just took away all that I had written.

I felt that it was a good journal entry too, I had a lot to tell, half of which is forgotten today. Oh, well...

I did have a huge drop in weight yesterday, I ended up in the 81 kgs range. Today, I'm up. I forgot to weigh myself when I was fully undressed, and it's simply too much work to get undressed again just to do that. I'm wearing so many layers of clothing these days, it's silly.

To give you an idea, this is what I am wearing right now:

1. T-shirt.
2. Girdle with little pads to take leakage.
3. "lifting" underwear to avoid that dreaded Deep Purple syndrome I have mentioned earlier.
4. Boxer shorts.
5. Long Johns (I am SO COLD these days, as I have low blood percentage).
6. Sweat pants.
7. Long sleeve shirt matching sweat pants.
8. Sweater.

This keeps me reasonably warm, but nothing crazy. I can't even describe how cold I am.

The doctors have full focus on the blood situation. As late as Monday, when I went to be drained, they did new blood samples to be evaluated for my checkup tomorrow.

When I go tomorrow, I am hoping for a little more draining, I have a couple of pockets that were not addressed Monday. They aren't as severe as what we looked at, but I'd like to have them emptied if possible. I feel that especially the one I have on my left hip is kinda large. Since my doctor is going on two weeks vacation, I would like as much done tomorrow as possible.


So, yesterday was a pretty good day. I went out and got a few things done, and just got some walking done. Not to any kind of excess, just enough to move around a bit and work my muscles and skin as recommended.

I'm gonna do it again today. Actually, I'm gonna go visit my good friend who's just inherited a little house in the country. I haven't seen it yet, and I really want to see. He's the one who's picked me up at the hospital a couple of times. Super nice guy. I'm gonna nickname him Captain, as that is what I often call him anyways. He used to own a boat, so Captain seemed appropriate.

Going to see him is gonna require 30 minutes on the bus. Not too bad, that time will pass quickly.

I managed to squeeze in a little bass playing yesterday. I'm practicing the three new songs. I really want them tight, and they are so much more demanding than what I normally play. It's a lot of fun to play, but a lot of work to get them right. Still, it's awesome practice.

I can more or less handle playing "the set" through in one go. It's about 15 minutes, and that's all I can handle before acing. It's a bad position I it in, and I can tell that my body is not too happy when I do it for a longer time. By my head LOVES when I play. It's super stimulating and keeps me from going stir crazy. If I could, I'd be playing all day.


I slept GOOD last night, for once. I guess my body finally gave in and let me sleep. I got about 7 hours, very nice for me. I'm still sleepy, but I feel that I did get some rest. I like it.

Today, I'm thankful for:
- SUNSHINE! It looks like the sun will be out today. I hope so, I need to warm up.
- Going to see the Captain.
- Being able to play a little bit of music. Just a little bit.
- Coffee!

Happy Thursday, people! Life is good!

Happy Happy Thursday King. Life is good! That is a lot of clothes your wearing, but its ok man. You had a crazy procedure done. Imagine the middle ages, nothing like that was possible! Amazing what science and medicine can do. Hopefully your excursions today are fun and exciting. That is awesome that you can jam on your bass again, you will build right back into that too I am sure.  
2012年07月11日 会员:: posterchild66
Hooray for music! Stay warm, friend.  
2012年07月12日 会员:: Heidijoy
Well, the jamming is in very short spurts. 15 minutes is up in no time, but it's a lot better than not being able to do it at all. I missed it, especially because I was doing okay with the bass just a while back - AFTER the surgery. The draining (I assume working my stomach to get it all out) has left me SO SORE!  
2012年07月12日 会员:: kingkeld
You'll be allright soon pal! Jamming with kids, and going to work, so exciting! And yes, all that mashing and draining hurts I bet, like growing pains. I have been meaning to ask you, if your experienced any pains while losing weight. That would be like "shrinking pains". I am feeling some wierdness in my ribcage, and other areas, like it is moving around a bit. Not painful, just odd. That or age... 
2012年07月12日 会员:: posterchild66
Come to Turkey, you won't be cold here :) 
2012年07月12日 会员:: Earthlady
JP, I have felt several things. Minor thing like you mention, and I at some point noticed a feeling of "more room" like between my shoulder blades, my ribcage etc. More painful, though, to the point where it was almost a problem, was a pain between my shoulder blades when I would walk. I investigated it, and it turned out to be my muscles over compensating for weight that was no longer there. Google told me that I should just walk as much as I could and that my body would adjust, and lo and behold - about a month or so after, it went away on it's own.  
2012年07月12日 会员:: kingkeld
Earthlady is in Turkey! We're almost neighbors, lol. I am in Bahrain. I have a friend coming to Istanbul soon. I would like to visit there too. /Cheers, JP 
2012年07月12日 会员:: posterchild66
try to eat plenty of spinach & beetroot. I eat lots of it before & after i give blood. seems to work to replenish it quicker. :) 
2012年07月12日 会员:: schmetterling34
I've never known anyone that had this surgery before, so your story is interesting! We're all learning a lot! Thank you for sharing. Sounds like you're doing well and being taken care of. 
2012年07月12日 会员:: Sheryl10
Hoping for fantastic news/results at the doctor's visit tomorrow!!! :) 
2012年07月12日 会员:: erika2633
SO glad you will see your doctor again! It is summer in Denmark, right??? LOL, I know why you are wearing all the clothes but it is a bit ironic, isn't it? 
2012年07月12日 会员:: HCB





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